40 weedar 64
Weedar 64 - cygnetenterprises.com Weedar 64 is intended for selective systemic control of many broadleaf weeds in forests, non-cropland turf areas, and aquatic areas. 2.5, 30 & 265 gal : Click here to view Label Click here to view SDS : ONLINE SALES POLICY : Weedar 64 Herbicide - Lake and Pond Solutions, LLC. Weedar 64 is a systemic liquid aquatic herbicide containing 46.8% 2,4-D acid as the active ingredient. It provides selective control of many broadleaf plants in aquatic sites including Eurasian Water-Milfoil and Coontail. AQUATIC PLANTS CONTROLLED: In aquatic sites, mainly for the use of controlling Eurasian Water-Milfoil (EWM).
Weedar 64 Herbicide, Nufarm | Forestry Distributing North America's ... Weedar 64 Herbicide is a non-volatile, premium DMA-4 formulation that is sequestered to 1,500-ppm water hardness. This "workhorse" of 2,4-D amines is registered for small grains, corn, sorghum, rice, sugarcane, irrigation ditches, pastures/rangeland, non-cropland, tree injection, lakes-water hyacinth, and tree fruit / nut crops.
Weedar 64
Weedar 64 Herbicide, Nufarm - Ranch Wholesale Weedar 64 Herbicide is a non-volatile, premium DMA-4 formulation that is sequestered to 1,500-ppm water hardness. This "workhorse" of 2,4-D amines is registered for small grains, corn, sorghum, rice, sugarcane, irrigation ditches, pastures/rangeland, non-cropland, tree injection, lakes-water hyacinth, and tree fruit / nut crops. PDF U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, WEEDAR 64 BROADLEAF HERBICIDE, 08/06 ... CORN AND SORGHUM AMOUNT OF WEEDAR® 64 CROP PER ACRE DIRECTIONS CORN (Field and 1 to 2 pints To control emerged broad leaf weed seedlings or existing cover crops prior Sweet) , to planting corn, apply 7 to 14 days before planting. Do not use on light. Preplant sandy soil, or where soil moisture is inadequate for normal weed growth. Weedar® 64 - US Seed Treatment Weedar® 64 Weedar 64 is a non-volatile, premium DMA-4 formulation that is sequestered to 1,500-ppm water hardness. This "workhorse" of 2,4-D amines is registered for cereal grains, corn, sorghum, rice, sugarcane, irrigation ditches, pastures/rangeland, non-cropland, tree injection, lakes-water hyacinth, and tree fruit / nut crops. Benefits/Use**
Weedar 64. Nufarm Weedar 64 Help - Questions and Answers - DoMyOwn.com Per the Nufarm Weedar 64 product label : If dosage on Label Shows Following Rate per Acre Use this amount for each gallon of water per 1000 sq/ft 2 pints 0.72 ounces (4.3 teaspoons) 3 pints 1.1 ounces (2 tablespoons) 4 pints 1.4 ounces (2.8 tablespoons) 6 pints 2.2 ounces (4.4 tablespoons) › collections › allAll products - Seed World For non-selective aquatic weed control, nothing beats Aqua Neat®. Aqua Neat controls almost 200 species... View full product details » Weedar® 64 - US Vegetation Management Weedar 64 is a non-volatile, premium DMA-4 formulation that is sequestered to 1,500-ppm water hardness. This "workhorse" of 2,4-D amines is registered for cereal grains, corn, sorghum, rice, sugarcane, irrigation ditches, pastures/rangeland, non-cropland, tree injection, lakes-water hyacinth, and tree fruit / nut crops. ... A couple herbicide questions - TractorByNet So, instead of Crossbow, you choose to use Weedmaster (about $84 for 2.5 gallons) or Weedar 64 (~$40) on lawn weeds. Is one better than the other? ... Looks like Crossbow is 2,4,d and triclopyr Weedmaster is 2,4,d and dicamba Weedar is straight 2,4,d If you are just after the 'soft' stuff, not killing woody plants 2,4,d works great. I find it ...
extension.psu.edu › lawn-and-turfgrass-weeds-cornLawn and Turfgrass Weeds: Corn Speedwell May 29, 2019 · *Follow label precautionary statements, restrictions, and directions regarding tolerant turfgrass species, rates, and timing of applications. Active ingredients and products in bold type contain a specific reference to corn speedwell on the label. Weedar 64 Herbicide-Gallon - Sunspot Supply Weedar 64 is formulated for the control of many broadleaf weeds in asparagus, cereal grains (wheat, barley, millet, oats, and rye), corn (field corn, popcorn, and sweet corn), fallowland and crop stubble, orchard floor (apple, pear, stone fruit, and nut), rice, sorghum, soybeans (preplant burndown only), strawberries, sugarcane, forests, rangeland, and established grass pastures (including ... Weedar 64 - Faithway Feed Co Weedar 64 Contains 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), one of the most widely used herbicides in the world today. 2,4-D stimulates different responses within a plant depending on a lower or higher level of concentration, much like a natural plant growth regulator. At low rates, 2,4-D acts as a plant growth regulator. Weedar 64 Herbicide, Nufarm - Industrial Vegetation Management Weedar 64 Herbicide is a non-volatile, premium DMA-4 formulation that is sequestered to 1,500-ppm water hardness. This "workhorse" of 2,4-D amines is registered for small grains, corn, sorghum, rice, sugarcane, irrigation ditches, pastures/rangeland, non-cropland, tree injection, lakes-water hyacinth, and tree fruit / nut crops.
Weedar 64 - Aquatic Control Weedar 64 $ 74.90 Liquid Herbicide for controlling unwanted vegetation Selective control of susceptible plant species in lakes and ponds Controls broadleaf aquatic plants like watermilfoil Typical Rate: 1.4 gallons/acre-foot This product must be shipped by commercial freight. extension.psu.edu › lawn-and-turfgrass-weedsLawn and Turfgrass Weeds: Common Field Speedwell May 21, 2019 · *Follow label precautionary statements, restrictions, and directions regarding tolerant turfgrass species, rates, and timing of applications. Active ingredients and products in bold type contain a specific reference to common field speedwell or Persian speedwell on the label. PDF Nufarm Weedar 64 - Agrian THE 2,4-D AMINE WEED KILLER To Control Susceptible Broadleaf Weeds In Cereal Grains, Corn, Sorghum, Rice, Sugarcane, Soybeans (Preplant only), Turf, Non-Crop Areas, And Certain Aquatic Applications Weedar ®64 Nufarm SPECIMEN 2 SPECIMEN 2 PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS HAZARDS TO HUMANS AND DOMESTIC ANIMALS DANGER / PELIGRO Corrosive. 2,4-D Amine Broadleaf Herbicide - 2.5 Gallons WEEDAR 64 24D HERBICIDE ... WEEDAR 64 24D HERBICIDE is a broad leaf brush killer. Kills most weeds. ... Assail 30SG Insecticide - 64 Ounces (4 Pounds) Admire Pro Insecticide - 140 Ounces; Actara Insecticide - 30 Ounces; Altacor Insecticide - 16 Ounces; Altacor Insecticide - 40 Ounces; Plant Growth Regulators & Fruit Protectants.
WEEDAR 64 BROADLEAF HERBICIDE 2.5 Gallon - up to 10+ Acre $92.78 WEEDAR 64 BROADLEAF HERBICIDE 2.5 Gal - up to 10+ Acre Coverage WEEDAR 64 Contains 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), one of the most widely used herbicides in the world today. 2,4-D stimulates different responses within a plant depending on a lower or higher level of concentration, much like a natural plant growth regulator.
PDF MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Weedar 64 Broadleaf Herbicide For Chemical ... MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Weedar 64 Broadleaf Herbicide Page 1 of 6 November 14, 2006 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name: Weedar® 64 Broadleaf Herbicide Synonyms: 2,4-D DMA; 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, dimethylamine salt EPA Reg. No.: 71368-1 Company Name: Nufarm, Inc. 150 Harvester Drive, Suite 200
Weedar 64 Herbicide - Lawn Dork™ Weedar 64 is a non-volatile, premium DMA-4 formulation that is sequestered to 1,500-ppm water hardness. This "workhorse" of 2,4-D amines is registered for cereal grains, corn, sorghum, rice, sugarcane, irrigation ditches, pastures/rangeland, non-cropland, tree injection, lakes-water hyacinth, and tree fruit / nut crops. Active Ingredient %
Weedar 64 - Plantevernguiden.no Type: Ugrasmiddel: Status: Trukket av Mattilsynet, tillatt brukt til dato: 2000-01-01 (Overstyres av merknad): Reg. nr. 92.20a-b: Dato sak behandlet: 1997-06-02: Merknad: Trukket av Landbrukstilsynet pga uheldige helse- og miljøegenskaper
Weedar 64 Broadleaf Herbicide 5 Gallons (2 x 2.5gal) Weedar 64 Broadleaf Herbicide 5 Gallons (2 x 2.5gal) Brand: Weedar 64 21 ratings $19790 About this item Broadleaf Herbicide 2,4-D Amine Weed Killer 46.8% 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, dimethylamine salt 5 Gallons = (2) 2.5 gallon jugs DOES NOT SHIP TO PO BOXES Customer ratings by feature Easy to use 5.0 Value for money 5.0 See all reviews
Weedar 64 Herbicide | Forestry Suppliers, Inc. Weedar 64 Herbicide, 2.5 Gallon. Formulated for the control of many broadleaf weeds in asparagus, cereal grains (wheat, barley, millet, oats, and rye), corn (field corn, popcorn, and sweet corn), fallowland and crop stubble, orchard floor (apple, pear, stone fruit, and nut), rice, sorghum, soybeans (preplant burndown only), strawberries, sugarcane, forests, rangeland, and established grass ...
Weedar 64 - Red River Specialties LLC, an Azelis company Description Weedar 64 is a non-volatile, premium DMA-4 formulation that is sequestered to 1,500-ppm water hardness. This "workhorse" of 2,4-D amines is registered for cereal grains, corn, sorghum, rice, sugarcane, irrigation ditches, pastures/rangeland, non-cropland, tree injection, lakes-water hyacinth, and tree fruit / nut crops. Features:
Home - Label Database - CDMS Weedar® 64. Nufarm Americas, Inc. 2,4-D 71368-1. State Availability Yes No Not Specified This information is for reference only. It is the responsibility of the user to verify the product is registered and appropriate for use in a given state. Labels / SDS Specimen ...
Weedar 64 Broadleaf Herbicide - Keystone Pest Solutions Weedar 64 kills most broadleaf weeds. See label for specific weeds controlled. No adjuvants necessary. Weedar 64 Herbicide can be used in Ponds, Lakes, Reservoirs, Marshes, Bayous, Drainage Ditches, Canals, Rivers and Streams that are Quiescent or Slow Moving, Including Programs of the Tennessee Valley Authority. ...
nufarm.com › uscrop › productWeedar® 64 - US - Crop - Nufarm Weedar® 64 Weedar 64 is a non-volatile, premium DMA-4 formulation that is sequestered to 1,500-ppm water hardness. This "workhorse" of 2,4-D amines is registered for cereal grains, corn, sorghum, rice, sugarcane, irrigation ditches, pastures/rangeland, non-cropland, tree injection, lakes-water hyacinth, and tree fruit / nut crops. Benefits/Use**
› nufarm-weedar-64-p-17316Nufarm Weedar 64 - DoMyOwn.com Nufarm Weedar 64 is a selective herbicide which provides broad-spectrum control of annual, biennial, perennial broad-leaf weeds. It features low-volatile formula which contains 2,4-D as its active ingredient which effectively kills and control weeds like horseweed, ragweed, catnip, chicory, coffeeweed, carpetweed, cocklebur, pigweeds, bindweed, dandelion, ironweed, plantains, wormwood, and more.
› PDF_Files › WeedCheat sheet for Herbicide Mixtures - Harney County, Oregon 15 gallon sprayer: 10 oz Weedar 64 + 5 oz Tordon 22k 25 gallon sprayer: 16 oz Weedar 64 + 8 oz Tordon 22K 50 gallon sprayer: 32oz Weedar 64 + 16 oz Tordon 22k WEEDAR 64 + CLARITY or BANVEL: 1 qt Weedar 64 + 1 pt Clarity /ac 3 gallon backpack: 2 oz Weedar 64 + 1 oz Clarity 15 gallon sprayer: 9.5 oz Weedar 64 + 5oz Clarity
2;4-D Amine - Weedar 64 Herbicide - amazon.com This item: 2;4-D Amine - Weedar 64 Herbicide - Active Dimethylamine Salt of 2,4-D 46.8% - 2.5 gallons by Growers Solution $77.74 $20.00 shipping Southern Ag Surfactant for Herbicides Non-Ionic, 128oz - 1 Gallon $27.49 Get it as soon as Friday, Jun 24 FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon
PDF WEEDAR 64 BROADLEAF HERBICIDE - kernred.co.kern.ca.us MSDS: Nufarm Weedar 64 Broadleaf Herbicide Page 4 of 7 safety glasses with side shields or splash proof goggles. An emergency eye wash should be readily accessible to the work area. Skin Protection: Skin contact should be avoided through the use of permeation resistant clothing, gloves and footwear, selected with regard for use conditions and ...
Weedar® 64 - US Seed Treatment Weedar® 64 Weedar 64 is a non-volatile, premium DMA-4 formulation that is sequestered to 1,500-ppm water hardness. This "workhorse" of 2,4-D amines is registered for cereal grains, corn, sorghum, rice, sugarcane, irrigation ditches, pastures/rangeland, non-cropland, tree injection, lakes-water hyacinth, and tree fruit / nut crops. Benefits/Use**
PDF U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, WEEDAR 64 BROADLEAF HERBICIDE, 08/06 ... CORN AND SORGHUM AMOUNT OF WEEDAR® 64 CROP PER ACRE DIRECTIONS CORN (Field and 1 to 2 pints To control emerged broad leaf weed seedlings or existing cover crops prior Sweet) , to planting corn, apply 7 to 14 days before planting. Do not use on light. Preplant sandy soil, or where soil moisture is inadequate for normal weed growth.
Weedar 64 Herbicide, Nufarm - Ranch Wholesale Weedar 64 Herbicide is a non-volatile, premium DMA-4 formulation that is sequestered to 1,500-ppm water hardness. This "workhorse" of 2,4-D amines is registered for small grains, corn, sorghum, rice, sugarcane, irrigation ditches, pastures/rangeland, non-cropland, tree injection, lakes-water hyacinth, and tree fruit / nut crops.
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